Music for Autism

Percussion app enhancing virtual concert engagement for children


Product Designer


Oct–Dec 2022




Yuri Kim Becky Hwang Fan Fang Sunwoo Park


UX Research UX Design Visual Design

Music for Autism

Percussion app enhancing virtual concert engagement for children


Product Designer


Oct–Dec 2022




Yuri Kim Becky Hwang Fan Fang Sunwoo Park


Adriana Valdez Young(SVA IxD)

Music for Autism

Percussion app enhancing virtual concert engagement for children


Product Designer


Oct–Dec 2022




Yuri Kim Becky Hwang Fan Fang Sunwoo Park


UX Research UX Design Visual Design

Project Overview

Enhancing the virtual concert experience for families with children with autism to improve attendance at vitual concerts

Music for Autism (M4A) is a non-profit organization that provides interactive, autism-friendly concerts to improve the lives of individuals with autism and their families.

During the SVA MFA Interaction Design service design class, our team collaborated with M4A to develop solutions that address their current problem of low virtual concert engagement.

As a design solution, I revamped the website to streamline the registration process and designed an interactive instrument app to improve engagement during the virtual concert.

My Impacts

  • Led design decision-making and created brand guidelines

  • Conducted and synthesized interview with users and stakeholders

  • Designed wireframes for a responsive website

  • Designed interactive hi-fi prototype

  • Created the design solution, a virtual musical instrument app

Design Process

Our team utilized the double diamond design process, iteratively moving forward and backward through each step of the process.

Discover the Challenge

Customers are struggling with
virtual concert registration and
low satisfaction

Through analysis of 106 user survey responses from the past two years of concerts, our team aimed to better understand the user experience and pain points of M4A customers. This customer research revealed two problem areas in the concert registration process that need to be addressed to improve customer satisfaction.


Difficult Sign-up


Displeased during
virtual concert

To address the pain points in concert registration & virtual concert interaction, I created a customer journey map based on research data to better understand the user journey and identify pain points. Through this approach, we decided to address two major pain points in the virtual concert experience: the registration process and the interactive concert activity.


The goal is to make it easy
to register for M4A virtual concerts


To optimize the concert registration process for Music for Autism (M4A) customers, we analyzed survey data and found that and 38.5% struggle to sign up the concert on the website.

My teammates and I went to the M4A website and tried to sign up for a concert, putting ourselves in the user's shoes. This approach allowed us to identify pain points in the registration process.

To identify the pain points, we analyzed the website issues and developed effective design solutions to help users easily register the virtual concerts.

Major problems of the website

Complex user flow

It makes it difficult for users to find concert information easily.

Unclear call-to-action for RSVP

It discourages users from easily signing up for the concert.


UI design

The dark color theme and design of UI elements are deters user from using the website with ease

Design Solution

Streamline access to concert information to improve registration rates

Concert info on the landing page to direct sign-up

My teammates and I found users need to take several steps on the website to find the concert schedule. This leads users feel diffuclt to find concert registration.

To solve this problem, we improved the landing page design to allow users can directly find the concert schedule.

Enhance information architecture to be concise and intuitive, streamlining information access

To make information regarding the concert and organization accessible, To streamline information navigation experience, My teammates and I identified redundancies and repeated features on the M4A website's navigation that prevent users from easily navigating the website and finding information about the concert. To create an intuitive user flow, we revised the website's information architecture.

Original information architecture

Optimized information architecture with simplified and concise categories

Inclusive and autism-friendly UI design

The original design lacks enough contrast and information hierarchy. To solve this problem, we change the design that ensures reasibility and readibility, to allow users quicly find the information they want.

User Feedback

After completing the design, we conducted user testing and received positive feedback on the clear sign-up process and colorful design, which implies the diversity and spectrum of autism.

Style Guide

To ensure consistency in the product's design, I took the lead in creating a style guide that serves as a reference for the team to follow while working on the project.

Style Guide

To ensure consistency in the product's design, I took the lead in creating a style guide that serves as a reference for the team to follow while working on the project.

Final Takeaways

While working on this client project, I've learned a lot accomodating shifting challenges with my team due to the contstraints

More testing&iteration

Due to time and privacy constraints, our project was limited in its ability to conduct extensive user research and testing. However, we acknowledge the importance of design testing and iteration in meeting user needs and improving the overall experience.

Design ethics

Before starting this project for families with children with special needs, my teammates and I made sure to be mindful of ethics for marginalized groups. Through conducting research and designing for families with children with autism, we gained a better understanding of inclusive design principles.

Exceeding client expectation

The client was pleased with our final product, which has exceeded their expectations. They are currently in the process of building the new website based on our design.

Next project

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ⓒ 2024 Yuri Kim

ⓒ 2024 Yuri Kim

ⓒ 2024 Yuri Kim